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What do you do?

We specalize in selling 3d printed products. Currently we sell at conventions but we are raising funds to open a physical location in The Pheasant Lane Mall. Anything you see can be ordered in many colors and materials.


What colors and materials?

We are currently re-selling the Helix printer for Acuity Designs. They take these materials and many colors:







These printers only print one color objects but we are in talks with other 3d printer companies to offer multi color printing.


How Do I Place An Order?

We are in the fundraising stage of the business, so we haven't put up any products yet. If you would like us to sell your stuff just contact us! You can also contribute to our fundraiser and be guananteed a spot on our shelves.


Do you sell 3d printers?

Yes we do! Our goal is to be a hub for 3d printer companies to sell there products. We just started raising funds and already we'll be a re-seller for Helix. If you would like us to re-sell for you we would be happy to hear from you. Just e-mail us at ATTN: Reseller


Where are you located?

We currently don't have a physical store (but we are raising funds to open one!) You can find us at conventions and cons. The next conviention we will be going to will be listed on our home page, see you there!


I'm an artist! How can I sell my 3d models at your store?

We are always taking new models to add to our collection! Unlike shapeways, if we sell your models they are placed on a shelf right in front of customers in a physical setting. Like cons, but soon a store in a busy mall, then eventually a full store.


Just check out the model specs page, THEN send us your stuff! If we like it we'll send you and e-mail telling you, then if you model gets sold you'll receve a check in the mail. 10% of the purchace price for everytime it's sold.


Your model will even be added to the catalog, so if it isn't on the shelf customers can still order it. Potentially making you money long after you've forgotten we're even selling it.


You didn't answer my question.

If you need to know anything you can e-mail us here:  ATTN: Question


There is only one person running this opperation so please be patient.


Why can't I call you?

Like I said above, there is only one person handeling everything. Kinda makes it difficult to do a call center out of my house.

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